Monday, August 29, 2011

Last Lake

We spent this weekend at Lake Wylie, and figure it's our last go-round this year due to our crazy busy schedules. Despite Hurricane Irene's devastating landfall in the coastal Carolinas this weekend, the weather our way was gorgeous and we loved every minute of our time there with Jack and Kim.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Christmas in August

I got to go on an Orff shopping spree this summer. It was great fun! The instruments were delivered to my music classroom by the custodian (aka Santa) two afternoons ago. I am one giddy music teacher.

This photo is so perfect: the morning sun's rays are shining down upon all of those beautiful new instruments.

This is my office. I did not have time to unpack everything before the classes of children came marching in the door, so I crammed everything in here. Poor me... not enough time to unpack all the awesome new instruments. :)

This is a xylophone, from Germany, coming right out of the box. I haven't gotten to unpack one of these guys for many years.

Here is my new bass xylophone, with the never-played bars still wrapped in packing material. Ahhhhh...

This is me, in my maxxed-out music classroom. I am so excited about our school's new instruments (hence the hugging). This school year is showing signs of amazingness, and our new equipment is just icing on the cake!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Day of School

The boys started school again yesterday. We figured they would have a great day, but everyone in the family had an even better day than expected! The year promises to be a good one for all.

Here the fellas are with their teachers yesterday morning.

Andrew's pose cracks me up. His apparent anxiety faded the moment after this photo was snapped.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Students start tomorrow! Bring 'em on.

The lesson plans are done. The music classroom is decorated and set up.

Bring on the students! I am ready for a great school year.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Grateful Heart

"There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart." ~Celia Thaxte

Today marks the final day of summer vacation, as I start school inservices at 8am sharp tomorrow. So, we braved the 110-degree heat index today and took the Grandmas to the zoo, which was really nice, since most people were wise enough to stay indoors and it was not the least bit crowded.

The past two months have been WONDERFUL. Aside from a few projects around the house, this summer has been spent mostly traveling with the boys and playing with the boys and just hanging out with the boys. When I think about the dramatic cut in that time starting tomorrow, the tendency is to feel a little melancholy.

However, there are many things about tomorrow and the months ahead for which I am extremely grateful: the opportunity to earn money in a struggling economy by teaching kids music, using that $ to help provide for my family, being challenged on a daily basis, and helping secure a happy retirement for Jon and myself.

If I run into a road block or two this school year, I will remember Ms. Thaxte's beautiful words. I am grateful for my career and all the opportunities it offers.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Born in the South

It's curious to me that, although many of the people we hang out with here in SC are northern "transplants" just like us, this child has the most gorgeous, natural southern drawl ever. When Ethan utters "Hi, Mama," my heart melts. So, I spliced three examples together because, hey, I'm technically still on summer vacation (for four more days) and I have time to do such things.