Monday, October 28, 2013

Boo at the Zoo, Year Six!

Yesterday, we spent the evening with Grandma Diana and our friends, including the cutest imaginable flower, Minnie, doctor, Robin Hood, Batman and Harry Potter.  As usual, Boo at the Zoo did not disappoint!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Silver Medalists!

Jon's band won the silver medal this afternoon at state championships! Last weekend, they won the lower state competition.  This is a first since the school was opened. It's a pretty good feeling to be one of the best bands in South Carolina.  They are small, but POWERFUL.  Their show, which is "Sleepy Hollow" themed, is very creative and fun. Andrew and I attended today and had a great time.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Fall Family Dance: On the Red Carpet

Our school's annual fall dance followed a red carpet theme this year, which was ingenious because students were allowed to come dressed as their favorite characters!  Andrew and Ethan had a lot of fun with familiar faces and new friends.
A wizard ponders something said by a couple of super heroes...

Dinner with an old buddy

Our neighbor was Batman, too!  Ethan was thrilled and followed him around most of the evening.

Lots of dancers!

There were a few Batgirls there, too!

Awkward "red carpet" shot

Strange, but hilarious photo bomb

Bat Buddies

The wizard boogies down with his two bats

Sunday, October 13, 2013

N and C

Our family spent this fun evening at home with these two beautiful girls and their parents.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ready for Halloween!

Harry, Batman, Cathy and I headed  to a sweet little fall festival in her neighborhood this afternoon.