Saturday, April 5, 2008

Pros and Cons

We have talked about moving options at length for the past two days. (If we DO stick around, it will only be for 2 or 3 more years. We have been here 3 already.) Our latest exercise has been a list and scoring of the pros and cons for living in TX or SC, and so far we really don't seem to be leaning one way or the other. Do us the favor of objectively responding to our poll after considering the list of pros for living in:

  • MK gets to stay home with Andrew full-time

  • Physically, it's easier (no housing market woes, the job and geographical situation are now familiar, no multi-$$$ move across the country)

  • Financial security - being able to save a few pennies

  • South Padre Island, trips into Mexico

South Carolina

  • Living within a culture that is more familiar to us

  • One day's drive away from friends/family (as opposed to a day full of flights)

  • More temperate climate

  • Honoring verbal agreements with new employer (and thus not burning bridges)

1 comment:

Lydee said...

Beautiful blog! Love the layout and the pics!

Your a flylady person too! I really like flylady.

My thoughts and prayers are with you as you guys make your decisions.