Wednesday, February 25, 2009


You know it's slim pickins in the material department when there's a posting about milkshakes, but hey, here I go.

We made some yummy milkshakes tonight. The little beggar had to have some; it was 7:00 pm. He had a LOT. Are we stupid? Probably. We'll see when he decides to go to sleep tonight. It's now 7:30 and he's a crazy man.


Elle J said...

Homemade milkshakes are the best and your little beggar is the cutest!

Heidi Ho said...

Yummo!!!! Take a look at those teeth!! He looks like a kindergartener....Makes me sad!!! They are getting so big so fast!! Gotta love em!!! You are a totally cool mom!!! Did he stay up all night, or crash and burn??? I'm gotta know!