Friday, March 27, 2009

Hi Ho, Hi Ho... orchestra I went, this afternoon, for a 1/2 day of subbing.

It was my first day job since the kiddo's birth and his first time at a "real" babysitter's house ("real" meaning someone other than family or friends/aka the first person we've ever paid to watch the guy). Andrew went to Mrs. Debby's for 5 hours (my full-day subbing gigs will land him there for 9 hours). I helped a sweet group of 5 high school chamber orchestra students with notes/rhythms and then I was asked to cover a pre-calculus class for the last period of the day.

Mrs. Debby, mother of one of Jon's seniors, is a wonderful lady who sanely watches 8 toddlers daily BY HERSELF. She serves them breakfast and lunch and seems to really have it all together any time I call or drop in. She said Andrew looked for me and then cried a little this afternoon, following an initial 15-minute honeymoon period, but then all was well. Phew.

That was it. No trauma of any kind. Andrew lived through the day. I lived through the day. Maddie and Dora had free roam of the house all day and the linoleum remained intact (this is a BIG deal, trust me. Remember THIS?!?). And honestly, (you'd better sit down for this statement) both Andrew and I actually BENEFITED from our experiences today. I enjoyed being a teacher again in some manner and Andrew got to play with some new friends (as well as Mrs. Debby's dog). I have rarely seen him as exhausted as he was this evening.

Of course, if I had my druthers, I'd get to be home with the munch until the day when I first shuffled him off to Kindergarten. I have dearly loved my full-time job these past two years. However, the numbers in the bank account haven't been kidding; it was high time for a second paycheck around here. In addition to the part-time substituting, I have picked up a couple of gigs accompanying kids at the upcoming solo and ensemble festival. So, the good ol' bacon is definitely being brought home by me again. Not the whole pig, of course, but at least a few slices.


Elle J said...

Proud of you!! :) Glad your family had a good first day.

Heidi Ho said...

yah!!! Ditto!

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad it went well. I know how hard it is to leave them to go back to work! I really am so happy it all was positive!