Sunday, August 2, 2009

I Like...

...spiders, as long as they are not on me. This Green Lynx (so named for the way he pounces on prey instead of catching things in his web) was nicely camouflaged on one of our tomato plants this morning. I'm sure I'll get another scolding from Jennifer, like I did here, for taking and posting more pictures of insects. :O) Did you know that you are always three feet away from a spider? True.
...cicada shells, fondly reminding me of playing with the giant bugs in my WV yard as a little girl (remember Donna? Lori?). Again, Jennifer, my apologies.
...sweet little boys playing in their sandboxes.


Jennifer said...

Gross. Except for Andrew.

Lydee said...

i refuse to believe i'm 3 ft from a spider. i'm going to the center of my house for safety, lol.