Saturday, May 23, 2009

Wise Beyond Her Years

Since there have been no photos for days (or postings, for that matter) due the massive bringing home of the proverbial bacon, I will post with a recent anecdote from my adventures as a substitute teacher:

Yesterday, I subbed for an all-female 4th grade class at one of the district's more urban schools. It just happened to be the day the girls got to go to the gym for the good ol' human growth and development video - female version, of course. Lucky me, right? The girls were nervous about what to expect in the film, and for that matter, I could tell the school nurse wasn't any more at ease about the upcoming presentation.

Before it started, a student asked me why I was staying in the room with them and not taking a break.

I told her I wanted to learn something.

She paused for a moment, pointed to my five-month-along belly, raised her eyebrows, and replied,

"I think you know enough already!"


Elle J said...

That is funny!!

Jennifer said...

That's great! That could be a line in a prime time sitcom.