Saturday, July 19, 2008

Captain Pavement

How is it that the girl who grew up running barefoot in the hills of West Virginia (yes, that stereotype is accurate) has given birth to someone who DESPISES GRASS??? Please tell me how this is possible. Andrew adores being outside, even in this ridiculous climate, and he strongly admires dirt. However, our St. Augustine grass is not his thing. Granted, it is pretty dense and occasionally high, but he is always weirded out by it. He happily plays on our patio, including crawling around - OUCH - and then when he approaches the grass, I am quickly reminded of the scene in Field of Dreams where the doctor can't leave the field or else the fun and youth will suddenly end. Andrew stops dead in his tracks. Here are some photos I just took, humbling as they may be.....

My truck is in the grass - crap.

Um, excuse me... I am in the grass, Mom.

Ugh - grass on my foot.

Oh, the humanity!!! Keep it off my knee!

OMG!!! It touched my elbow!!!!!!!

Gotta get outta here.

Perhaps this yoga pose will help keep the grass off of me.

Forget you, truck - I am outta here.

Thank God... Captain Pavement prevails!


Unknown said...

My Son Rocks!

Grandma Diana said...

Andrew!!!! You summed up Grandma's feelings about your crappy Texas grass perfectly! A lawn filled with dandelions and violets would feel and look better. However, in Texas, it's the best that can be done to even have a green lawn. Now, when you get to SC, I'm sure it will be different. And at Grandma's, I can tell you for sure that you will love walking through the grass barefoot---even in the morning dew. And yes, I do have dandelions and violets sprinkled throughout my lawn (much to the chagrin of my neighbors, I'm sure, who are always battling against the weeds for that "perfect"? lawn). I see no need to rid myself of them since they look, what I think is charming. You will even be picking bouquets like your Mommy did! I can hardly wait!
MK, I really got lots of laughs out of this blog! It is too cute! Just keep them coming! Lots of Love, M/G
I agree with Daddy. Andrew you rock!!!!

Jennifer said...

That is so funny. I love the elbow one! Our neighbor's littlest boy is the same way. Last summer, he would sit on his bottom and raise his little legs up so they weren't touching the grass. So funny! Ben, on the other hand, does not care one bit about standing or crawling on grass. He also likes to eat it. And sand. And rocks.

Elle J said...

This made me crack up!!! Great post! Glad Captain Pavement made to his home base!!

Lydee said...

LOL! love those expressions!

Arlene Bennett said...

Love the title of Captain Pavement! What cute expressions he has. They truly show his hatred of grass.