Andrew is really testing us lately. He's only 2 months away from being a 2-year-old, so we're chalking it all up to that.
Yesterday, I called the poison control center because I found him eating zinc oxide diaper rash cream. Not sure how much he ate, but it was all over his hands and face. The nice lady at the center (who asked for my name, btw... do I feel an impending CPS call?) said unless he ate the whole tube, the worst thing he'd experience was a tummy ache and some greasy stool.
This morning, I was putting in laundry when I heard the clank of the freshly-brewed coffee pot lid. This is a normal sound in our house, but on this morning, Jon was already out the door. I walked into the kitchen to find the somehow unbroken, EMPTY pot on the floor, and Andrew standing in a puddle of coffee. It was all over his pants. He was just calmly saying, "Mama?" Luckily, it doesn't look as if he was burned at all.
Just a little while ago, I found our wild child pretty much naked, save a diaper and Daddy's shoes, playing a little piano.
Now, I'm off to brew another pot of coffee (one that will be kept far from the counter's edge) so I have the energy for today's chase. I'm hoping that tomorrow I can do a little better in the whole "keeping the kiddo out of harm's way" category.
I told you that his dexterity is amazing for his age! That has to be the only reason he didn't get burned by the hot coffee---was there a mug on the floor that he was trying to fill?! Zinc oxide?! Did he have a "this tastes bad" look on his face?! The diaper and Daddy's---what---size 13 shoes and diaper---too funny! What a Munch!
I love it...I have finally figured out the secret of motherhood and nursing thanks to your blog. You stop at 1 year so you can increase your coffee supply enough to keep up with the demands of the kid!! Only 3 more months then I.V. caffeine for me!!! Thank goodness he didn't get burned.
Good Lord Andrew...don't eat the "butt paste"!!! : ) Happy diapering mama...YIKES!!
Finally, your piano looks like it has 500 keys in that picture! Great captured photo on that one!
Love it. None of it shocks me. He's all boy and he's curious. Was it Albert Einstein who spilled an entire bottle of milk on the floor only to have his mother say, "Well, now that it's spilled, you might as well play in it"? She was a good mother...not mad, looking for a creative way to deal with a situation, encouraging her child to "think outside the box". Yeah...I just usually yell real loud and stomp around for a while.
Ben eats dog food on a regular basis. He also eats stickers and the tips off of Color Wonder markers. And, let's please not forget the baby psycho incident...keep those knives back from the edge of the counter or you or Jon might get stabbed in the tooth.
I'm so glad he wasn't sick or burned!! But what a funny story! He's definitely a two year old! The pictures are hilarious.
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