Sunday, August 16, 2009

Big Boy Bed!

Even though Andrew's been sleeping like a champ in his crib, next month's impending arrival of Burbank2B necessitated moving him to his new big boy bed with enough allowed adjustment time to hopefully make things smooth. Last night was his first in it, and of course we were nervous about possible sleeplessness, escape attempts, and him just being weirded out by it in general. Thankfully, the whole deal went off without a hitch! We are so proud of our big boy.

Assembly (or so we want you to think)
First reaction upon seeing his new bedProtest after we forced him to lie down in it for an afternoon photo
This morning, after pleasantly awaking with a curious "Mama? Dada?"
(The flash was a little harsh for this guy.)
OK, Mom, I can deal with the flash a little better now.


Rachael said...

Ah, way to go on the big boy bed! I was always nervous about moving mine too, but it never seemed a big deal to them.

Oh, and P.S. on your last post: you and I are the same age and same b-day month too!

Elle J said...

What a cute first bed (and photos too). I am glad it went so well!