Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ethan's First Official Karate Class

Yesterday, we officially enrolled Ethan in his first karate class. He LOVED it and was fabulous.

It is going to be wonderful for him on many levels. 

One of those is that he could use more male role models in his life. He's got his amazing father.  Check.  However, he never got to meet his grandfathers or great-grandfathers, and, as we know from traditional education, basically all of his elementary teachers will be women.  So, having a "Mr. Mike" around is a GOOD thing.

Another positive facet is channeling that testosterone into a positive place.  That is all I need to say.  WOW.

As I have mentioned before, Mike Genova weaves life lessons into every karate lesson.  Lessons are about being active and healthy and respecting everyone and protecting yourself, as well as listening to Mom and brushing your teeth. :)  At the end, you get a popsicle for your tummy or a red "good behavior" stripe for your belt. Mike Genova is a brilliant educator who knows how to inspire kids of all ages.

And, also, Ethan really digs doing stuff with his big brother.  To him, Andrew hung the moon. Period.

Goodbye to the days of wrangling Ethan in the waiting area while Andrew kicked and punched.  Hello, our TWO karate kids!
just so happy to be included and off the sidelines!

practicing his "ay-yahs" as sweet brother looks on

both of our karate kids running to the instructor

one of many reasons why our family adores mr. mike genova



dwarfed by the "red man" (aka black belt/1st grade teacher mr. alex). I LOVE THIS PHOTO.

Ay Yah!!!
There are a lot more photos here on my facebook page.

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