Saturday, November 22, 2008

Big Saturday

After a couple days of major sniffles and sneezes, Andrew has kicked his cold's butt so we ventured out this morning for some fun. It began in the Waffle House with his first time sans high chair. Hello, booster seat!
Then, we headed to a local toy store's grand opening where he met his idol, Elmo.

Later, there was the obligatory giant machinery-driving in Home Depot.
He was pooped from all the excitement, and went home to cheer on the Mountaineers as they beat Louisville. Great big Saturday!!!


Grandma Diana said...

I am so excited that he got to meet Elmo. Also glad that he has shaken the cold. Seems like he has a strong immune system. Tell him Grandma loves him.

Jennifer said...

I'll bet he almost lost his mind when he saw "Mo". Ben also loves Elmo, but not as much as Andrew I think. I'm glad he's over the cold.

Sarah said...

Thank you for your nice comment. I enjoyed reading your blog. I'm jealous though, my son would have loved to have met Elmo!

Glad to hear he is out of the woods with his cold!