Sunday, June 1, 2008

43 cents a pound

First off, let me say that I have now set a record for myself - 4 consecutive days of blogging. Never thought it would happen. Might not ever happen again. Where have you fellow bloggers been? Out having a life???

And now, the actual subject of the post: Assuming we DO get a house offer sometime before Andrew's 16th birthday, we have reserved (and paid a deposit to - yikes) a moving company. The going rate to move stuff is 43 cents a pound. Considering that books alone can amount to MANY pounds, one really has to look around at his/her stuff and think, "Do I really want to PAY to move this junk?" SO, we've spent the past few evenings purging. Merciless purging. I am so against "stuff" at this point, I am nauseous. It has been fun, though, to dig into the multiple boxes of scrapbook stuff I have been saving since undergrad. There will soon be more posts about the stupid things I uncover.

NO more being a pack rat. It's costing us money now - 43 cents a pound!


Lydee said...

ha! can't wait to read about what you find!

Jenni said...

Hey MK,

I say get rid of whatever you don't really need or charish. Save the money and buy new "stuff". You'll be amazed at what you can live without. Good luck with selling the house. I know it's tough.