Monday, August 17, 2020

Waiting by the phone.......

I had this phone as a teenager. It was awesome. The waiting beside it? Not so much.
Fast-forward a few decades to my trusty iPhone that is ALWAYS WITH ME. WELL, somehow I missed a call from the nurse navigator this afternoon. She was ready to divulge my MRI results. By the time I got her message, she was out of the office. I joked with my cancer club girls that I haven't waited by the phone this much since I was 15 and a cute boy was [hopefully but usually not] calling.


The cancer club girls maintain that the waiting is worse than any surgery or treatment. As someone who is now waiting another 12+ hours until tomorrow morning to learn how much cancer is actually in these breasts of mine, I tend to agree with them.

But still... if you didn't have this phone, aren't you jealous right now? You should be.

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